Sunday, March 17, 2013

I did it, I made it! whew!....

Oh my gracious!....I did it! WHAT did I do, you say!? I rode a MOUNTAIN bike all the way to Piedmont and back! whoooo hooo! I probably will not be able to walk for the next 3 days, but hey...I did it! :)
Tyler and I enjoyed a little "alone" time today by venturing down the Ladiga bike trail to Piedmont. It took us an hour and 5 minutes to get to Piedmont! (Heeeey we were on a bike!) :) ....and then we stopped at a cute little cafe' called the Solid Rock to eat lunch (and rest)....before we headed back home on the trail! It took us right at an hour to get back. (We did better on the way back...even though I did have to stop more!) Nan kept the girls for us while we enjoyed our day!
Yesterday Tyler and I ...with the girls.... went to the antique car show. It was really neat to see all the old cars! The girls enjoyed playing in the park and eating "ice shakes" as Alexis called them before we celebrated Pawpaw's birthday by meeting everybody for dinner at the Courtyard in Gadsden. That was the first time we have ever been there. It was really good! (despite the salads being really...really tiny!) :) Tyler and I did a little shopping before we headed home. And St. Patrick's Day! Lucky, the Leprechaun, came to visit our house and left a mess in my kitchen! :) He left Alexis and Lily some goodies! We have really enjoyed this warm weathered beautiful busy weekend!

There were alot of people at the car show especially since it was so nice outside!

Alexis had an "ice shake" as she called an was cherry flavored and turned her lips and tongue...and teeth really red! It would not come off!

Pawpaw's birthday dinner!! I made key lime cupcakes for his birthday...and because they were green since it is St. Patrick's Day weekend....and because Daddy loves key lime! (even though it wasnt Daddy's birthday!) :)

It is hard to get everybody to look at the camera!...............and even harder to get Tyler to cooperate!!!

Tyler (making yet another one of his funny faces)...and me with my new haircut! 

Brandi and the girls!!

This is one excited little girl that Brandi let her play with her bracelet!

We headed over to Old Navy after the birthday celebration...and the mannequins were a hit yet again! Lily just loved to keep holding her hand! Where is Alexis and Lily??..I dont see them! :) .....I bet you cant point them out!!

And...look what Lucky the Leprechaun did to my kitchen!!

Alexis loves little trinkets....she is ALWAYS carrying little stuffed animals around or any little thing that she finds. She just loved this little creature that Lucky brought her on his way to find his gold!
This is the cafe Tyler and I ate at .....and rested...after we made it to Piedmont on our bikes. They were the little "band" that was playing. They were a little odd with their song choices, but talented though! ha! Dont you just love her kilt she is wearing!?! :)

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