Friday, March 29, 2013

Girls having Easter fun!

With this week being Spring break as well as Easter week....all of our usual routines of Awanas, Bible study, and tee~ball were cancelled so we had a low key week to gear up for all the Easter fun! Tyler enjoyed his Spring break week off of work by going turkey hunting with Pawpaw everyday! I had a great sinus/ear infection all my week was not as fun! BUT...when the girls get girls are going to enjoy our Spring break too with fun "girl" trips!! ~ Daddy, can join us if he so feels..and is not hunting! :) Our time will come Alexis and Lily!!....I promise! :)
Gran and Aunt Pam were off for Spring break they took the girls to see the movie The Croods on Tuesday. They said Lily would NOT sit still....(that is why I haven't taken her at this age!) :)...but they all had a great time!
And today is Friday...whoo hooo!...I always LOVE this day because that always means the next day is the weekend!! :) I was off today with it being Good Friday, so we enjoyed hanging out at home all together, playing outside and then going to Sonic and getting ice cream! YUM!
One of the most sweet memmories that I want to bottle up in my brain and never forget is watching my girls play together! Alexis and Lily were soooo sweet jumping on the trampoline together! Alexis is sooo good with Lily while jumping. She doesnt jump to high or hard..and they just laugh and play together so well. It is soooo sweet to me to see Lily reach up and want to hold Alexis' hands so they can jump together! It makes my heart smile!
Tonight we met Pawpaw, Nan and Brandi at their church's Easter festival. We enjoyed grilled out hot dogs and chili and TONS of Easter eggs!! :) Lily and Alexis collected soooo many eggs! Alexis loved jumping on the bouncy slide..and riding the carousel! Lily was a pro at gathering up all of her eggs! She was going so fast picking them up and putting them in her basket! It was sooo sweet to watch!
We have enjoyed yet another Easter event so far and we have a lot more coming up this weekend! :)

Right before they went to see the movie! excited! :)

My precious Lily!

Alexis wore this dress during her first 2009 (when she was around 9 months old) Lily is wearing the same dress for her second Easter...and she is 18 months old! :) (The dress is a 12 month size dress....but Alexis was just bigger than Lily!) :)

Eating some Easter hot dogs! ha!

Waiting on the carousel to start! 

Mr. Bunny and Alexis

Pawpaw and Lily!

This was as good as we could get...even after several get Lily with the Bunny! She thought the Easter bunny was going to get her chips! oh me...she kept saying "mine..mine!!" and holding the bag away so the bunny couldnt get it! 

This is Alexis having a BALL on the bouncy slide!  She is at the top...about to jump/slide down!

SOOOOO excited...getting ready!

And heeeeere she gooooes!!!....My dare~devil child! :)

And now sliding down...

And look how HAPPY this girl is!!

Lily did SO good picking up her eggs! She was a PRO! :)

Alexis was sooo ready to have her turn to get her eggs!

Look at all of those eggs just waiting for her! :)

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