Saturday, March 23, 2013

week and weekend!

We have had a great week and weekend so far. This week has been filled with alot of things happening! We had our regular events of tee~ball, Awanas etc as usual. Alexis had her first school "project" this week! She had to make a planet and tell a fact about it to the class. Her teacher selected Earth for her to make! Tyler and I were sooo funny to me trying to get this school thing done, and seeing how we have a lot years ahead of us of having to get projects completed and homework done! It is all about to start coming up when Alexis starts Kindergarten!!

Yesterday afternoon had the previledge of having a "girls" trip with none other than Misty and Kelly! We stayed in a very nice room at Ross Bridge in Birmingham. We enjoyed a great dinner and A LOT of girl talk and catching up! We slept in this morning (which is very very rare for me) and it was soooo nice! We did a little shopping and had lunch before I headed back to my gang! It was such a nice trip! :)

Lily has been OBCESSED lately with wearing mine and Alexis' shoes! As soon as our shoes come off....she tries to get them and put them on! She will put them on all by herself...usually on the wrong foot....and walk around in them!

Daddy and Alexis working on her Earth for her 1st school project! It turned out really good! She got an A...or to us she did! :)
She had to tell a fact about her planet and she said  "Earth is the only planet with people on it!" :)

Alexis and her Earth.....hanging from my light fixture in the kitchen so the paint could dry! ha!

This is a really cute idea that I heard about ....and excited about (well Alexis is!) She "planted" Easter "seeds" (candy jelly beans)...and planted them with Easter grass, and with just enough sunshine the week of Easter (next week) it will have grown into an Easter flower candy sucker!! (Alexis is going to be soooo excited/surprised when I put the sucker in it like it has grown!!

This is our lovely room for our girl trip at Ross Bridge!!

A little something small from me to Misty and Kelly....!

This was the view of the pool area from the outside window. It was sooo nice, but it was cold and raining so we didnt get to enjoy out there. :( Next time though!! :)

Me, Misty and Kelly.... before we left to go eat dinner at Firebirds..............friends for a LONG time! :)

And...when we got back from dinner......we did face masks! That was hilarious!! We had SUCH a great time together!!

The Blue "Smurfs" and "Bruce Jenner"! haha!

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