Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Day 68
Nothing makes a Monday brighter than seeing this smiling/silly face in the morning! 
Day 69
The time change kicked our tail this week! It is hard to get up in the mornings with it still pitch black outside! IT IS HARD! :) These two little ones were beat by only Tuesday! They were in bed early watching movies and both passed out!

Day 70
Wednesday folder/help day! I snuck up on this girl while she was working hard! :)
Day 71
Date night...actually Exchange Club 'Book of Golden Deeds' banquet! We had a great time with a very nice dinner followed by the JSU Quartet performance! 
Day 72
It is FRIDAY! It is FRIDAY! Whoo hoo!! :) {This is Alexis' happy dance move!} :) :) And below that is Lily's!! :) :)

Day 73
Ahhh...soooo nice!! The girls were gone with Gran and Aunt Pam for the weekend so Tyler and I enjoyed the beautiful weekend by having lunch, movies, and working in the yard with new plants! LOVE!!
Day 74
Checking Alexis' book bag as I am gearing up for Monday and look what I came across! SOOO proud of my smart little cookie! She is still  on the 'A' Honor Roll!!
And her report card is in! She is almost done with her 1st grade year! {Insert tears here!!} She has done SOOO well in 1st grade!!!

Day 75
Monday Monday! While being in the dead middle of CCNE Accreditation week.....we throw in a 'Cardiac/Renal' Fashion show! {Dont ask me what I modeled because I have no clue! I could not even pronounce it! I tell ya...I need to be a RN to even understand what I do half the time at work!} :) :)

Day 76
Super highlight!!! Seeing these faces happy and enjoying the day!
Day 77
I LOVE Tulips!! LOVE them! I picked these babies up the weekend before and I am still enjoying them several days later!!

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