Saturday, March 7, 2015

Ohhh....that smell and those lips!.....

We have had an here at the Law home!

We have had the most beautiful day that we have had in months!

It was an absolutely beautiful warm and sunny day!

We made the most we could of today without a doubt!

Sara Kate came over to our house and us girls went shopping for a little while since Daddy enjoyed the day doing some turkey hunting even though he didnt see any. After that the girls played outside, watched movies and played with their American girl dolls the rest of the afternoon!

We ended the perfect day with grilled out hamburgers and catching up on American Idol episodes! :) :)

The girls played for an hour at Burger King! They were having a great time climbing through the 'mazes' and down the slides!!
Silly girls!
I had to get some new they decided to do some shopping while I made my purchase! Sara Kate found a 'real pearl' necklace that she wanted sooooo badly! She had $20.00 so because she had that, she thought she could buy the necklace! I had to inform her that the necklace was WAY more than $20.00! :)
Since I bought some new lipstick....these two thought they needed 'women's' lipstick {per them} soooo, I took them to Wal~mart and they picked out 'real women's lipstick' OH ME! I texted Alison that I may be in trouble by her when she sees the lipstick choice of Sara Kate! :) They were in Heaven with their choices!
OOOHHH those lips!!......................
While Lily napped, these two enjoyed eating popsicles and jumping on the trampoline since it was such a beautiful day!
OOOHHHH....that smell of grilling out!! OH how I love that smell!! Nothing could have topped this day off better than smelling the grill smell and enjoying a great grilled hamburger!!
And to wind down on this perfect day! American Idol catch up!! This family of mine takes American Idol very seriously! Cant you tell!!!!

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