Sunday, March 1, 2015


We have been hit with school delays and cancellations and SNOW these past couple of days! Throwing in bronchitis for Lily and it sums us up as crazy around here!! We have been off schedule and missed ballet and just pretty much been hanging out a home resting! Sometimes that is much needed though! :)
We have had a couple of days of better weather once the snow cleared but it is looking like we are heading for another winter storm next week! OH ME!

Day 47
I love to see my girls working hard! Lily was concentrating SO well on her tracing!!!
Alexis was concentrating SO well on her homework!! :)

Day 48
SUPER highlight seeing my little family and I in the Jacksonville newspaper!

Day 49
SUPER SUPER...BIG highlight!! Getting this sweet sweet letter from Mrs. Meehan in the campus mail! My secretary brought my mail in to my office and said that I had mail stamped 'from the President's home'....she said....'oohhh, you have something from the President!!' So when I opened it and saw this sweet note with a cut out of our articles, it almost made me cry! Mrs. Meehan is the sweetest person! Every time I see her she is nothing but warm and friendly!! She loves seeing my girls too!! Her taking the time out of her busy schedule to think of me and my family was just so thoughtful and nice! Not to mention she is the President of the University's wife! WOW! :) SOOO cool! :)
Day 50
My little one was hit with the bronchitis bug! :( her extra loving makes my day!! 
Day 51
This is how Daddy thinks he can play the keyboard! With two girls on his back riding him like a horsey!!!
Day 52
My beautiful Alexis! She found the perfect dress for the pageant coming up! She looks sooo grown!!
Day 53
Love seeing Alexis practice! She has gotten SO good!!
Day 54
My two little hard workers!!!
 Day 55
Always fun to wear fun outfits to work! :)
Day 56
IT SNOWED!!!! The girls look like little ninjas! :) :)
Day 57
Highlight!...I will have to say, seeing the snow GO! :)
Day 58
In the midst of a winter storm.....I go into a store and see bathing suits and sunglasses for sale! I am longing for Spring and Summer!!!
Day 59
Alexis trying to roller skate! SOOOOO funny! She tried and tried and finally got it! Technically, this was her first time to skate! She ended up doing a great job! Alexis had FUN with Sara Kate!

 Lily cared less about roller skating!! She wanted to shoot deer!

 Day 60
Church girls!! Lily brought her baby doll named 'Lou Lou' to church with us! She had her purse PACKED with things for Lou Lou too such as her bottle, a blanket, an orange, toys and a paci! :)
Alexis is growing up way TOO fast!

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