Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Look at the difference!

Today was the 6 month mark for the girls to have the height measured and placed on the 'wall of fame!' :)

I cant believe how much they have grown in just 6 months!!

This munchkin would NOT be still for Daddy to measure her! {That is why the picture is sooo blurry!} :)
Look how much she has grown! She has grown a good bit more than Alexis has in the same time frame!! :)
The big girl getting measured! She knows how to be still better!! :)
Look how much she has grown! She wrote her name the first time and I wish we would have gotten her to write it again this time too! I will be sure to get her to the next time!
Look at the difference! My littles!!.......growing so much! :) :) :)  {Lily's info is at the bottom, Alexis is at the top!}
Then they had to play some games of ping pong! Lily was too busy to play because she was in a serious conversation with the Cookie Monster she said!

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