Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spppprrriiiing Brrreeeak!! Part 1!

Aaahhh.....it is SPRING BREAK!

SO nice to have Spring break now and to get to enjoy it with my little family! {So thankful!!}

We started out pretty low key and then yesterday we left with the Grogans' and headed to Atlanta for a fun little trip!

We started out at the Georgia Aquarium and then spent the night at the Embassy Suites and rounded out the trip by heading to LegoLand!

We are all worn out today now that we are back at home! :)

Cant wait to see what the rest of Spring break week has for us!

We did a little of this and a little of that at the beginning of the break that consisted of Church and dressing as a princess!...
See...a princess....  :) :) :)
And then came Monday!! We made it to the Georgia Aquarium!
Loved watching the penguins!! Soooo cute!
The little girl cracks me up! She had her leg crossed the whole time as she watched the giant white sea lion!!
This was really cool.  We walked under this huge under water area full of HUGE creatures swimming over us! Do you see that shadow!! eekk!! I can not imagine being in the ocean and seeing some of the things I saw swim by me! I would die!!
This picture does not even do the size of that thing justice! This was sooo big!!
This was one of mine and Alexis' favorites! Look down at the ground/sand area of the picture. There were TONS of these little 'worms' They actually were little sand eels! They were SO neat! They were stripped and polka dotted! They would stick their heads out from the sand and as soon as a fish would come by, they would dart back under the sand. Then a few seconds later, they would come back up again! It was so neat to see!
They loved this area!! They saw a TON of 'Dori's' {From Finding Nemo!} :)
My girls! We were just about to watch the Dolphin show! That was so neat to see all the tricks that the Dolphins did! {And...oh me, Alexis Kayte!!!} :)
The girls loved seeing this octopus! It was neat to watch move! They carried around an IPAD and learned different things. They were in Heaven to have an IPAD too!
And...now time to eat! We enjoyed some yummy mexican at Chuys and the beautiful weather outside!
And...time to sleep! These three were so excited to have a bed to themself!!
Ready for round two on the second day! :) We had a nice waterfall area in our hotel and the girls loved watching the water come down as we ate breakfast!
We are here!!...at LegoLand!!
So cute! :)
They rode this ride several times!
There was an amazing area of a ton of things, places, etc made out of legos!!
There was an entire area of Atlanta made out of legos! It was so neat! There were streets and redlights...and cars, etc!
There was the Braves stadium too!
It was so cool to see it all in legos! The little people and all!
We were the first people in the main area! The kids had a blast running around and playing!
Everything was made out of legos! This lego girl was really cute!
They even had a karaoke area! These two were having so much fun singing!
This little ride was really fun too! They loved 'flying' in the air!
And making towers!!

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