Sunday, March 8, 2015


Day 61
 I LOVE my built in shelves with sweet sweet pictures of my little family! I love this highlight everyday which is that from my chair, I can look over and see all of these sweet memories! It makes me smile to look at them all and watch the electronic frame too! Aubie cracks me up because he loves to try and get the electronic frame! He can not wrap his head around the fact that it moves and the colors change and that he cant reach it! He will sit on the top cushions and just stare and it and makes this little noise like "I really want to get that!" :) :)
Day 62
Tuesday work meeting in Georgia! It is nice to get to 'dress fancy' per Alexis and be treated like royalty during business meetings! It is fun! It is also fun to hit some local shops on the way home too! :) 
Day 63
To my VERY surprise, when I walked in my office the next was completely covered and decorated for my birthday! My coworkers had a field day in my office since I was gone the day before by deciding to decorate my office a month early to celebrate my birthday! {This is what I have to work with!} :) It was super sweet and totally surprised me!!
This was just SOME of what they did in my office! I literally had to do the 'limbo' to get to my desk! They had streamers galore, confetti, and signs every where!!

Day 64
Talk about going into crazy mode when you wake up and find out right then that school is cancelled!  So, once I found out JSU was closing early too....Alexis and I had fun making eggs!!
Day 65
So love to see these two faces happy! They had a great time at the Father~Daughter dance!!
Day 66
Such a beautiful day! Love seeing the girls soaking it up!!
Day 67
Brandi and Alexis making a big decision on what type of ice cream to get!! Today was a great day! The TIME changed! Whoo hoo! I love the time change because that means warmth and sunny spring and summer days are coming!!
 Lily loved picking out her sherbert since she cant eat ice cream! She topped it off with sprinkles!! Solid Rock in Piedmont is SO good!
Alexis chose sherbert too! YUM! :)

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