Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How would you catch a leprechaun!?!?

Today is St. Patrick's Day!

Alexis was SO excited about wondering what the leprechaun was going to do today!

She said she remembered last year that the leprechaun was SO CRAZY and he messed up the room SO bad and she just could not believe what all he had done!

She was so excited when she came home to tell me that he messed up Ms. Harper's room this year but this leprechaun must have found his pot of gold because he left the whole class some chocolate candies!!

The girls had to have on their green today of course! :) {Lily is trying to smile despite being grumpy that she wasnt wearing 'sparkaly' shoes} :)
 How would you catch a leprechaun?
If you were Alexis.... you would 'make a trap for him and get him' {She was frustrated because she spelled 'him' correctly the first time but not the second time she wrote it. She didnt realize the other words that she spelled wrong.} :)
 Ahhh...today was SO nice! We actually cut our air on today! Today marked the first day of us doing that in months!! Ahhh!!....sooo nice! Tyler  had to cut it off later on though because it started getting cold! We are at least almost there to have the air on full time!....
What do you do on a perfect day when you get home from school?!?! Play outside and soak up the beautiful weather!!
And then come in and eat a yummy meal, grab a bath and head to bed! Alexis said we had to have cabbage because that is leprechaun's favorite food! I guess that is why everyone eats corn-beef and cabbage on St. Patty's Day?!

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