Thursday, March 5, 2015

And so she makes eggs.....

Totally random I know....but today Alexis made deviled eggs all by herself!

What else do you do on a day off from school because of supposed 'bad icy weather??'

Isnt it always fun to be woke up at 5:45 in the morning to the realization that you have to find something or someone for your kids because their school decided to close because of supposed bad weather!?!?

That is exactly what happened today!!.....

Pawpaw to the rescue! He headed on up and kept the girls until 12:30 when my school decided to cancel!

We enjoyed yummy hamburgers at the Rocket before we loaded up and headed back home to get out of the cold!

It just amazes me that yesterday it was literally 74 degrees outside!! It felt like a summer day and then the very next day {today} we are getting a winter weather advisory and it is below 30 degrees!

It just amazes me!!.....

So, when you have nothing to do on a nasty and very cold day...

You make eggs...

Or Alexis makes eggs and I supervise!.... :) :)

Sometimes I wonder if Alexis is my child because she literally likes all kinds of 'not normal 6 year old food' meaning things like tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs!!

Things that most of all her friends will not eat and especially when I was her age....I wouldnt eat because it all was 'yuck!' :) :)

After we got home from lunch, Lily took a nice long nap and Alexis and I watched the Cooking channel!

I have to admit I love watching the Cooking channel! I dont really know why because it is just a bunch of people talking about cooking food.... but I do, I like it!

And the funny thing does Alexis! I think she likes watching it more than me! She will actually sit and just watch their every move!!

So, she decided that she wanted to cook eggs! She LOVES deviled eggs!

So, she made them!

That is what we did on our day off! :) :)

And it was fun and I love to see Alexis excited about doing things!!

The girls also loved watching Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry this afternoon!

It was a flashback to when I was young because those were my favorite cartoons when I was their age!

We had a nice low key 'bad weather' day! :) :)

This is all it looked like outside! Hey, Im not complaining though to get off at 12:30! :) :)
Alexis lined up all of her 'little animals' as she called them and named them!!
And then.....she decided she wanted to cook!!!
And she did!!....
And then after bath time..we curled up and watched fun cartoons!!! No ballet tonight again for the second week in a row because of 'bad weather!' :( :(

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