Saturday, March 21, 2015

One of the two little ballerinas in the house!..

We are hitting Spring break with a bang!

I have been ready for this coming week for awhile now and it is finally here! I hope it doesnt fly by, but like most things....time does fly when you have fun!

We kicked off the beginning of spring break by having Alexis' ballet pictures today!

My goodness how time has flown and Alexis is in her 4th year of dancing already! goodness goodness!!

We have alot of fun things coming up this week so we are for sure going to make the most of the week off!

I hope to get alot done this week too such as getting my hair cut and highlighted {#1 on my list!} :) :) Getting taxes things like that!

HAPPY Spring break!! :) :)

My beautiful little ballerina!!

Look how little she was last year!...and how little her bun was! :) :)

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