Sunday, March 29, 2015

Epic, Palm weekend!

Well, Spring break is officially over!

Back to the real world tomorrow! It has been so nice to be off this past week!

We have had a beautiful but COLD weekend to end our Spring break week. {Which has not been fun!} I dont know why Spring has decided to leave, but it can come back ANYTIME!!

We didnt do much Saturday except hang out around the house since it was sooo cold! We decided to have a really late lunch/early dinner at Cracker Barrel! So, we ran some errands and ate some GOOD food! :)
Daddy was being a mess! Every time I tried to get a picture of Lex, he kept putting something in front of her face! :) :)
Alexis finally caught on to his tricks and out tricked him and I was able to snap a picture!!
Lily was too intense working on the game during it all! :)
After our meal and errands, we ended the night with yogurt! YUM! {Yes, even with it freezing outside!} We live on the 'wild' side! :)
Today marked Palm Sunday! The Sunday before Easter! The girls carried down the palm leaves to begin the service!!
Lily dropped hers and it seemed like a billion years before she finally picked it up and continued down the aisle!
She finally made it to the front! :) :)
Then some of the kids did a song performance! Lily pretty much sat there and turned around and stared at the rest of the crew! :)
After Church and lunch, Tyler convinced me to go Turkey hunting with him! I thought I looked pretty great in my camo attire!.................
Until Tyler had to go and stick this beanie on top of my head! :) He said that my head is too 'bright' and would distract and scare the turkies!
It was a TOTAL EPIC fail today with the hunting! :(     Tyler called up a HUGE turkey for me.................and it was RIGHT there in front of me! IT was HUGE....and RIGHT there, and well, I missed!...............
Yep, missed..................... about a dagger in my heart!!!.........................
Tyler did say that even though I missed, that I am going to have to start going with him more! {He loves me, and hasnt given up on me!}...............................yet! :)

You cant see me but ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see you! :) :)

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