Saturday, December 12, 2015

A MILLION lights!

Literally......there were over a million lights that we saw tonight at Nachalula Falls!

We went to Gadsden and met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for dinner at Logans before heading to the Falls to see all of the Christmas lights and ride the Christmas Train!

There were a TON of people there! It was soooo crowded but we still had a great time anyways! Everyone was for sure enjoying the beautiful weathered day and night! I know we did! We all are just amazed at how warm it is and it is close to mid December! It is crazy! Last year we went with the Grogans  and FROZE while we were at the Falls!

The girls had a great time and enjoyed the petting zoo the most they said!

I love making this a fun Christmas tradition!

Before we met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi, we did some shopping and running around. I found the cutest set of ice skates.....ornament for the girls' trees that I just LOVE! It marks 2015 as being their first year to ice skate {which they both LOVED!} So, I cant wait to put the year on the ornaments and hang them on their cute trees! :)
 The crew waiting for the train! Yeah, it took an hour to get to the train....but it wasnt a bad wait!...and worth it at the end! :)
Alexis taking a break from waiting in line to take a picture by some of the lights!
There were a TON of lights! As far as your eye could see!
With her Daddy!
This picture cracks me up because literally as I am taking this picture....a girl sits down right beside Ted and takes my spot! Alexis is looking at her as she was getting off {after Ted told her the spot was taken} wondering what she was doing!...and Brandi is trying to yell for me that someone was getting my seat! ha!
Having fun with Aunt Brandi!
We saw a real 'reindeer!' He was Dasher.....per Alexis! :)
Their favorite part of the petting zoo by FAR was petting the cute...cute...cute bunnies! :)

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