Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas fun and the night before Christmas!

Christmas is here!

But first....

I need to recap the fun leading up to Christmas!

On Tuesday Alexis and Lily woke up to North Pole snow from Ella Jingle! Lily was amazed by the snow and wouldnt stop rubbing her hands through it!
We met Gran at the Mall and her and the girls went to see The Good Dinosaur and then they spent the night with her! They had a great time! Tyler and I went to see Sisters and enjoyed a nice and quiet night at home! :)
I hate this picture turned out blurry! UGGHH!!....
On Wednesday I got Alexis back from Gran.....and Im not sure who this girl is!! :) I couldnt find Lily! :)
We enjoyed a very low key rest of the it stormed and rained! It was nice to just relax!
Christmas Eve!!! After breakfast, Alexis helped me make cookies for Santa! Lily had NO care in the world to help us! She just kept making sure it was done though!
Then we did our Christmas to each other! The girls helped Aubie open his gift from them! He looks sooooo excited about it doesnt he! :)
Lily lined up his gifts from them! I havent seen him play with them....until I am typing this! He is scooting one of them around the living room right now!
Alexis made the cutest gift for Tyler and I! She could not wait for us to open it!!
Look how cute! She did such a great job! I love it!
Daddy loved opening his gifts from his girls!
And of course...opening their gifts from each other!! They loved their boots they got each other! :)
Family picture as we are all cleaned up and ready to head to our Christmas Eve service at Church!
Merry Christmas Eve from the Laws! :)
Heading in Church! It was such a beautiful service! Lily fell asleep right when she sat down and got still while we were waiting for the service to begin. She woke up right when it was time for Communion. She cracked me up because she was still half asleep and the cracker {breaking of the bread}time came and the cracker wasnt very tasty....and she did NOT like it.... so she started yelling 'yucky..yucky!' as she was trying to scrape the cracker off her tongue! OH me...never a dull moment with her!
We headed to Gran's and Ben's after the Christmas Eve service for dinner and opening gifts! Nannie and Hogan came too!
This is SUCH a cute picture!!
The girls LOVED opening all their gifts!
So cute!
Gran and the girls!
OH ME! Ben got Lily this......................fart gun!............................ or as I told her to call it....'Poop gun!' {because 'fart' is a bad word!} :) She has played and played with this the most and laughs soooooooo hard every time it 'farts!!' She even took it to Nan and Pawpaw's this morning and Pawpaw loved it! :)
They loved their ballerina dolls that 'look like them!'
Lily's face! She is 'pooting' and making a face as I am taking this picture! OH me! :) We had a great time before heading home for bed............................. and getting ready for SANTA to come in the morning!!!!

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