Monday, December 28, 2015


 2015 is coming to an end. This year has flown by! We are enjoying our Christmas break and are looking forward to still having this week off! Today has been a very low key and rainy day! We have done absolutely nothing all day! I have stayed in my comfy clothes and havent even brushed my hair all day! :) We have took down some Christmas things and cleaned up some today and that has been all! Can you even believe that we have had the air conditioner on ALL Christmas break! I just cant wrap my head around that! My girls are wearing clothes like it is Spring/Summer time!
We gave Tickles a bath tonight because she wanted to come in so we have been enjoying being a family of 6 tonight! :)

Day 349
The last week before Christmas break!! We enjoyed wearing our 'Christmas gear' all week to get ready!
Day 350
LOVE seeing Alexis having fun and loving school! She was so excited to bring home her Gingerbread house!
Day 351
This girl....oh this girl! I go into her room to check on her, and see this! This makes me smile! 
I also notice THIS.....on her desk that she had just gotten finished with before she started reading. She asks me to take them and put them in her book bag...but NOT to look at them! Well....okay then, I didnt look at them! :) I just took a picture of them and LOOK......................  this girl wrote 3....yes 3 notes to 3 different boys!! Collin, Hudson and Caden........... in her class, all received a note from her asking them 'questions'. She brought them back the next day....with them circled from them.  She said Hudson...or 'Huddy' circled yes that he likes her and she said so did Caden. She said Collin circled 'no'. :) OH me, is it that time already................... to like boys?! :)

Day 352
Alexis was SUPER excited about today! Today was her Christmas party at school! SO excited!

Day 353
And today was Lily's Christmas party at her school! She was beyond excited!!
AND my SUPER highlight!!....she lost her last front top tooth! SO cute! :)
Day 354
Date night with this handsome guy! We really enjoyed the sky box tickets...and the big WIN!

Day 355
SUPER highlight! We joined First Baptist Church of Jacksonville! So excited to see what God has in store for us with our new Church!

Day 356
Kicking off our Christmas break by seeing the new Chipmunk movie...Road Chip! My girls LOVE the Chipmunks! Alexis is obsessed with them! The movie was so cute!
Day 357
Fun day for the girls...............and fun day for Daddy and I to have another date...but a 'date day!' to see a movie too! :)

Day 358
Rainy....lazy afternoon! Ahh...nice! Enjoying The Grinch!

Day 359
Christmas Eve!! I loved our Christmas Eve service at Church!
Two highlights on this night! Love seeing them excited about their gifts and about Santa coming!!

Day 360
Christmas Day!! My two Christmas cuties that I am so thankful to be their Mommy!

Day 361
Fun day Saturday with my two cuties! Doing some shopping/returning and having a fun lunch!

Day 362
My Church girl! She wanted me to take a picture of her with her doll 'that looks like me Mommy!'....with her new dress on! :)
And....another super highlight! A fun afternoon of more lunch....and The Factory with my family of four! Burning some energy!!
Day 363
What do we do on a lazy rainy Monday!?!?!....When we dont have to go to school or work!?!?....NOTHING!!! AHHHHH....... SOOOOO nice!!
These two are two peas in a pod! Aubie was curled up with her like this under the blanket while she watched a movie! :) :)

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