Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Alexis' 2nd grade field trip!

Alexis has been having soooo much fun in 2nd grade!

She literally comes home everyday saying how she learned fun things!

I am sooo happy that she enjoys and learns so much at school!

Today her 2nd grade class headed to the Tennessee Aquarium for their field trip!

Alexis was BEYOND excited to go.....especially to ride the 'big' buses! I just dont know what it is about school buses that she just loves! :)

I was sad that Tyler and I were not able to go but I did have a lot of eyes on her and love that my friends that were able to go snapped some fun pictures of her! :)

Alexis came home saying that this was the 'coolest thing ever' Mommy! :) They learned about sharks last week during 'Shark Week' and Mrs. Nelson took this picture of each child in the class! Alexis said that Mrs. Nelson told her to act like she was swimming with the shark.............so she had to hold her breath! I think she did a great job...because it looks real to me! :) {Alexis thought it was so cool that she stood in front of a 'green screen' and the shark was on it!} :) Im proud of her for knowing what a 'green screen' is!!
Field trip day today! Alexis was partnered with her sweet friend Adelie in her class and her mom! She said that she had so much fun with her walking around! Her sweet Mom took pictures of them in a photo booth and Alexis was SO excited to show me the pictures when I picked her up! Her Mom also bought Alexis a stuffed penguin too! She was SO nice to Alexis and took great care of her!
Having so much fun! She said that her most favorite part was seeing the baby seahorses! She said that they were so adorable and tiny! :) :)
Of course ran into these two!...and asked to have a picture with them! :) Glad she had such an awesome day!!

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