Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Life Lately!

We are still having a TON of Christmas fun around here!

We havent slowed down any!

The girls are winding down at school with it being their last week before break!

They are having their Christmas parties in the next couple of days and giving their teachers their gifts...and they are just so excited and can not wait!

Im soooo mad at myself because I was not quick enough to capture the moment! This guy was playing 'Blue Christmas' {the Elvis Presley version} about 15 times...over....and over...off his computer....doing the Elvis 'lip' and all! Every.single.time. I would try and sneak to get a picture.....or record him, he would stop!!! He was cracking me up!
 Eating gummies for breakfast! Sure....if Ella Jingle leaves them for you! They were SOOOO excited! :)
Came home from school and work....and later on that night I found them in Alexis' room playing SO well together................... with all of their 'friends.' They played like this the whole night!
Tonight we had 'Cookies and Milk...and story time with Santa' at the Mall! The girls were beyond excited to tell Santa the remainder of items on their list! They had a lot of fun with Caroline too! They enjoyed cookies from the Great America Cookie shop and listened to Santa read The Night Before Christmas! Great night!
Enjoying her cookie!
Enjoying her milk and cookie! :)
Santa! I told them this was probably the last time they would get to see him and talk to him before Christmas......so they both took their time to talk to him this time! :) :)
Enjoying the story time!!
At school Alexis has been having sooo much fun! She made a Gingerbread house today! She came home and talked ALL about it!
 And she of course LOVES tablet time! And....her friend Adelie! :) :)

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