Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day!!

Christmas has came and gone...

my goodness how quickly life flies by!....

We have finally made it out of the floods and the storms and today has been a beautiful 76 degree weathered Saturday!

YES, I said 76 degrees!

I can not get over how HOT it is at the end of December. It is crazy!

We woke up...or I should say, Lily woke us all up at 5:30ish...5:45 to SANTA! Lily and Alexis were so excited that he actually came to our house! :)

Nan and Pawpaw came by to see what all Santa brought before us heading to their house to eat breakfast and open gifts with them.

After their house, we came home and the girls played with their toys and we cleaned up before heading back out to Nannie and Hogan's house. Everyone came over and we ate and open gifts and played Dirty Santa!

We had a full and busy Christmas Day, but it was all fun and we made sooo many memories!

Santa came! Alexis is reading the note that Ella Jingle left them since she is gone now telling them bye!
 Lily dove right in opening everything...including all of her stocking goodies!
 This cracks me up! She told Santa she wanted a 'Mermaid bathing suit' and so here is our 'little Mermaid' punching Bozo the Clown! :) Daddy taught her how to do a right and left hook! :) The two main things that Lily asked for were the Mermaid bathing suit and a purple beanbag! {She already has a pink one that is small....and she refuses to sit in it and wants to sit in Alexis' purple she decided to ask Santa for her own purple one!} :)
 Alexis showing off her ring that Santa brought her to Nan! The main things Alexis asked for this year was a new 'American Girl Doll' and clothes, etc for her doll....and more clothes, etc for her other dolls!... Shopkins and movies/dance games!
 Lily...the Mermaid...showing her fake nails that had Princesses on them!
 Cleaned up and ready to go to Nan and Pawpaw's for more gifts! She loaded herself down with some of her favorite toys to bring over to show everyone! :)
 My Christmas morning babies! :)
 Ready for gifts!!
 Full concentration opening gifts! :)
 Nan helping Lily open her Zoomer kitty!
 Lily was cracking me up! She was SO excited for Brandi to open her gifts from us! She literally was jumping up and down with TONS of excitement as she opened them!
 Trying to figure the cat out! She kept getting soooo frustrated because it wouldnt follow her around like she wanted it to!
 Tyler helping Pawpaw with his gift from us! Explaining all the gun stuff! :)
 I love this picture! Lily wanted a pillow and grapes....and then she laid in the floor because she wanted to watch The Christmas Story! We LOVE this movie!!
 Round two! Ready to go to Nannie's! {Notice a reoccurring theme??!!...........yep, she brought the 'fart gun'....I mean 'pooting gun' again to Nannies! She loves that annoying thing!} :) And for whatever crazy reason....she wanted to wear that feather boa too....that wasnt a Christmas gift!...
 OH these two! Before they got in trouble with this and were banned from getting on it again...the cut it on and loved to be shaken! This is the craziest 'shakes the fat off!' haha!!
 The kiddos ready for gifts!
 My Christmas girl!
 My other Christmas girl!

Ready for Dirty Santa!
 Seeing what each other got!
 My Christmas love! :)

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