Wednesday, December 30, 2015

'Rockin New Years Eve....Eve PARTY!'


Yes, I have lost my mind!

The last time I had a big group of the girls' friends over............. I thought I had lost my mind!..

Well, I decided to invite MORE this time than I did last time!..........

Yes, I like to punish myself! :) :)

BUT.....OH MY goodness!! girls were SUPER excited for this day to finally be here!

I shouldnt have told the girls that I had invited their friends over until like 30 minutes before they all came over because since the day I told them..........they have asked EVERYDAY if that day was the day they were coming! AND...........then today, seriously....every 30 minutes they were asking me and Daddy when they were going to be here! :)

They all had so much fun! it made it all worth it to have them all over! :)

I am soooo sad that this picture is blurry!! :(    They all brought one of their most favorite Christmas gift to the 'party!' Notice the theme..........they all pretty much brought 'American Girl dolls!' I would for sure say that this age loves dolls!
Top-left to right
Libby and Chole
Carli, Raybon, Carmen, Sara Kate and Alexis
Callie, Lily, Anna and Adelee!
YES....I decided to have this many girls over at once............and give them all whistles too! :)
They ate....and ate....and then we had popcorn too!
Callie and Lily at the 'little table'....for the 'little girls' :)
OOOHHHH me......they danced....and sang.....and danced....and sang and sang more, did karaoke and made their own 'band group' and danced more and they were all sweaty and exerted a lot of energy!
They danced more! Alexis LOVES her new 'Just Dance' video game that Santa brought!...and I would say all of the other girls love it to!
They had SO much fun!
AND...look at these two! They are going to be trouble! :) Priceless!...........I had to make them get off the couch! :)
They all played ping pong....and darts....and switched and then played air hockey! They all played so well together and mixed up who played what with who! I was proud of them all! There was actually no drama the whole night! I was shocked! :)
Two peas in a pod! They both decided to leave and go upstairs with Tyler! I went up to get something and went in the playroom to find that Lily had gone to the bathroom and filled up her 'tea cups' and her 'tea pitchers' FULL of water and they were having a tea party! Water was all over the table in the playroom but it wasnt a whole lot so I let them keep some of the water to play with. They had the best time playing with dolls and watching Lady and the Tramp! :)
We lost some about 2 hours in. Anna started saying her belly hurt. She got upset when her mom came and got her because she didnt want to leave. And then Raybon got homesick and wanted to go home so her mom came and got her. Well, Carmen was spending the night with Raybon so Carmen had to go since Raybon left and then Libby had to go because she is sisters with Anna when Anna got at the very end..................... it was these four and the 'little girls' They played and played and then played more in Alexis' room until it was time to go home! I would say the 'New Years Eve....Eve party' was a success and they made a lot of sweet memories with their friends! :) is bed time because I am tired! :)

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