Sunday, December 13, 2015


Day 334
1st day of Advent! Love this time of year at Church and love my Church girls!
Day 335
Fun on the Square! We enjoyed the 'Lighting on the Square' with our friends, Christmas songs and then the big moment of all the lights being lit! :)
So pretty with the lights behind them! :)
Day 336
I was sad that I didnt get to go on her field trip.....but I loved seeing her smile as I helped get her settled with her friends on the 'big bus'...per Alexis...and know that she was taken good care of and had a great time at the Tennessee Aquarium! 
Day 337
So.......this happened! Super NOT highlight...Tickles was almost attacked by a racoon out on our back deck...but super highlight that because of that....she came in with us! We got her all cleaned up and introduced her to Aubie. Soooo....this is how it was for the couple of days that she stayed in with us! Aubie was scared to death....but tried to be friends with her. He knew to stay just enough away but followed her every move! Sad to say, she loves being outside, so.........she is now back outside. She is happier....and I think Aubie is too! :)
Day 338
SOOO fun! Loved the Jacksonville parade!! These girls made it SO fun! They had a blast in it!
Another SUPER highlight on this night...........was seeing this beautiful little princess in the parade too! She had so much fun too!
Day 339
We loaded up and headed to Gatlinburg............and became Snowmen!! We had SO much fun with Gran and Ben on this trip!
 Day 340
SUPER highlight! We did Ober! We ice skated and had a blast! It was Lily's first time and she did so good skating...and we made some great memories!!
Day 341
When we got home, it was so sweet to see a sweet little face that had missed us! We let her out and she was having fun it the flowerpot! I went over to check...wondering if she was using it as a litter box. She wasnt! "_
Day 342
Monday....and back in the groove of work and school! BOO! :) Super seeing two little girls waking up to see what Ella Jingle has been up to!!
Day 343
Tuesday...and we had Miss Leslie and Kolton over for dinner and the girls and them exchanged Christmas gifts since it is finals week and they both will be heading back home for the holidays! Alexis has been obsessed with the sticker book that she got! It is the cutest book that has all of these blank faces and bodies and she designs what they look like! She has been busy busy doing well as coming up with their names. She has come up with some really cute stuff!
Day 344
Nothing better or a bigger highlight than THIS box! ON a super super...busy..busy week where we have been going nonstop, there were extra, free pizzas at work and soooo....yep, no cooking for me on this night! PIZZA!! :) :)
Day 345
Thursday and a super busy night! We had our normal ballet classes, on top of the annual Exchange Club Christmas party....and Lily had her Christmas Program at her school!....ALL on the same night! Soooo......Nan was gracious enough to take Alexis to ballet....and Tyler and I went to the Exchange Club party {where we had catered Effinas that was SO good and enjoyed Christmas singing and talking with friends} and Pawpaw and Gran enjoyed seeing Lily preform! 
LOOK at these pictures! I am sooo sad that we missed {but, she did do the full performance for us several times earlier as she 'practiced' and so I did get to see her do it even though it wasnt on the 'big' night}.....................but LOOK at how adorable she is!! She did SO good!!
Look at this sweet....sweet smile!
Priceless! So proud of her! :) :)
Day 346
My annual Christmas party! I look forward to this every year and this year was the best! It keeps getting better and better and I already cant wait until next year! Good times with friends and family!
Day 347
Saturday fun night! Enjoyed the Christmas at the Falls!!
Day 348
Sunday Funday....CHURCH! My Church babies! :)
Look at her! :)
Another super highlight of the day! We headed to the JSU basketball game after Church and it was a nail biter! JSU lost by 3 after leading the whole game....and right as the last seconds went by!

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