Sunday, December 6, 2015

Jacksonville Christmas parade 2015!

We have been on the go for the past several days...and whew, we are all tired!

But, WOW, so many fun memories have been made lately!!

Thursday night the girls had to miss ballet class because they were BOTH in the Jacksonville Christmas Parade this year!

They both were SO excited and just could not wait to be in it!

Alexis was in it last year with the cheerleaders and then again this year!

This year was Lily's very first time to be in a parade!

She made sure I did everything she wanted me to before we left! She had to make sure everything was perfect...all the way down to her lip gloss! She even requested that I please curl her hair! :)

It was a colder night...but overall great weather for the parade! And..this year it seemed like it was a lot bigger than the year before! Also, the crowd was huge to!

Alexis loved riding down the parade with her friends! They all did cheers and sang Christmas songs as they went down! Alexis didnt care anything about throwing out candy like the rest of the cheerleaders. She said she had more fun just watching all the people as we passed and waiving at them! ha!

Lily got to sit with the 'big girls' on the float as Daddy was with her in the back of the truck! She said she loved seeing all the people smiling when she went by! :)

We had a long fun night and the next morning...we loaded up early and headed to Gatlinburg, TN! More to come on our trip later! :)

LOOK at my beautiful little girl! She looks so grown!!
Just melts my heart! :)
She was so excited about her outfit, her crown, her hair, and her lip gloss! :)
Checking herself out!!
Ready to go!
She was SO excited to go too!!
Lily was so excited to get to ride in the parade!! She was sooo excited to see Nan, Pawpaw, Ben and Gran watching her as she rode down!
These crazy girls were so excited! They kept begging to eat another...and then another piece of candy! No wonder they ran out of candy before the parade was over! :) :)
They were so excited that Santa stopped by to say hello before the parade started!
Lex and Abbie ready to go!!
And off they went! Singing Jingle Bells! :)

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