Friday, December 18, 2015


Finally Christmas break!...


finally............Alexis' tooth is out!

She has officially started singing 'All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!' :) :)


she is officially 'gumming' her food now with no bottom or top teeth! :)

We have started Christmas break of 4:30 this afternoon and we are SO excited here at the Law home!

To celebrate of last full week of school, the girls wore their cute Christmas attire!

Day 1 of our last week before Christmas break! Not a creature was stirring...we werent even really awake!...but we made our way through the first day with one step closer to the break! :)
On the 2nd day of our last week before Christmas break....the girls were SUPER excited that we headed to eat yummy Popeye's for dinner before having cookies and milk with Santa at the Mall after school! They both had a Great American Cookie from there and listened to Santa read 'The Night Before Christmas!' This was also their last 'ditch' effort to tell Santa any 'last minute' things that they have forgotten to add on their list! :)
On the 3rd day of our last week before Christmas break! is HUMP day! We have made it through half the week! :)
On our 4th day before Christmas break..the girls were super excited to have ballet class and eat with Nan and Pawpaw! :) Also, Alexis was SUPER excited for today because she had her Christmas party at her school! She had SO much fun making projects...eating candy and watching a movie! I hate this picture turned out so blurry because it is super cute!
 SEE.....look how cute she was on this day in a 'non-blurry' picture! :)
 AND....look who else wore this cute sweatshirt when she was younger! A 'baby' Alexis did! :) Circa 2010!! :)
AND...on our last day before Christmas break!!! is FRIDAY!!...and Lily was SUPER excited because it was her party day at school! She enjoyed watching the Polar Express and have her her pajamas!! :) She came home with all kinds of goodies...and homemade ornaments...and her book from their book exchange!!
And no better way to end the last week before Christmas break.....than to FINALLY loose her last front tooth! That sucker has been loose since FOREVER.....and she finally lost it! Kids 1st! She said one of her little helper teachers pulled it while all of her friends watched! :) She said she didnt cry at all...and that it didnt hurt! {I am SO super glad that I didnt have to pull it because it is not my most favorite thing in the world to do!} :) She came running through the door when she got home telling me ALL about it and was just SO excited about it! She is sooo excited that the Tooth Fairy is coming tonight!! :)

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