Friday, November 11, 2016

Alexis...Lily.....and Alice...

Daddy is still in South Dakota with Pawpaw on their hunting trip so since we are out of school and work because today is Veteran's Day, we had a fun 'girl' day!

We started off with picking out Lily's pageant dress!

We were only in there max 10 minutes because she spotted the dress she loved first thing and didnt want to try on any others.

She loves her dress!

Then we headed to Gadsden to do a little Christmas shopping, had lunch at Chili's and now we are back home watching Alice in Wonderland. {Through the looking glass} per the girls' pick at Redbox!

Nice little low-key girl day while we wait on Daddy to be back home!

Love her dress! She loved that it sparkled so much!!
The back of it was just as pretty! Cant wait to see her up on stage with it on!
They had fun on these things! Riding them throughout the whole mall was a big highlight of their day! :)
Two stinkers!
We came home and Lily ran and put on Christmas pajamas because she said she needed to in order to do her Christmas list! TOOOO funny! She put a 'L' and a check mark by everything she wants from Santa and I helped her write out her list! :)
These two were hard at work making out their lists!
She examined as I type this....this is my view! The girls are curled up together watching the movie! To say Alice in Wonderland is an odd movie is an understatement but it has beautiful and funny scenes so we are enjoying it!

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