Sunday, November 20, 2016

Turkey feast,values and it looks like Christmas!

I have taken a little hiatus the past couple of days from blogging because I have been playing catch up on everything since cheer no longer is consuming my life.

We have still been in the groove of school, Church, ballet and jazz and getting ready for our fun week off for Thanksgiving!

Whooo hooo! :)

Yesterday was our 1st official day of break and we spent it relaxing at home and watching Auburn play!

Today was spent with Church and watching Alexis introduce Mr. Rick a the honorary 'Value' award for the month of November. She nominated him because he has been such a huge instrumental part of her learning about God and showing her talents through art on Wednesday nights. She has loved learning from him. I loved to see his face when she announced his name to the entire Church. She spoke from her heart about him and got up in front of everyone and did awesome!

Now, we are at home and enjoying Christmas baby it is finally cold outside!

Great way to kick off our Thanksgiving week!

Alexis and Lily had their Thanksgiving feast at school Thursday and Nan was the honorary guest. It is crazy to me that they built a brand new school and they made the lunchroom smaller than the one they already had....that was already too small! Craziness! So, everyone had to only invite on guest and Nan enjoyed being the guest! :)
Saturday was full of football and eating Daddy and Pawpaw's pheasants that they cooked. Tyler has been waiting for this day since they have been back from their South Dakota trip. He found a great recipe and made a great dinner. We enjoyed trying out pheasant for the first time and watching the big Auburn win! :)
The girls took Brandi back and they played and dressed up all of their dolls! :)
And today was Church day! My two girls before Church!
Alexis enjoying some of the 'big' service before going up on stage.
And now getting ready to announce Mr. Rick!
She did so good speaking in front of everyone! She wasnt nervous at all. She told me that she was going to tell Mrs. Angie that she didnt want to stand behind the podium because she would not be able to see over it! :) So, she stood to the side of it. :)

Mr. Rick and Alexis! The look on his face was priceless when she said his name! So sweet. We love Mr. Rick!
And now we are home and watching The Grinch! FUN! :)
I am loving my Christmas decorations this year! I just love the warm and fuzziness of the decor! I love this time of year!....................minus the cold! :)
I LOVE our new tree!
I love looking at it from my chair. I kept the ornaments simple because the tree speaks for itself!
Love my snowmen!
Love my new reindeer and picture! LOVE!!
I changed it up this year and the girls both have silver trees. They look great in their rooms!
Lily's tree!
Alexis' tree. They both decorated them by themselves. I laid out all the ornaments and they remembered exactly which one was their own and they placed them where they wanted! :)
Love my new sliver tree in the hallway. It is a fun and new touch!
Lily helped me decorate this table. This is EXACTLY where she placed them all. If I move them.....she knows and moves them back! :)
I love my dining room. I thought 'white...winter wonderland'....and that is what I feel when I go in there.
This is always my favorite. I just love this with all of the snowflakes!

A glimpse outside! LOVE!

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