Sunday, November 27, 2016

She finally came!

Guess who finally decided to make it officially time to visit and check-up on the Law girls?!?!?

Ella Jingle!

Today is day 1.........

and her first report back to Santa tonight....

is looking a little on the naughty side....for both of them! :)

Yesterday we enjoyed being at home and gearing up for school and work starting back tomorrow. The girls and I were all decked out in our Auburn gear since it was Iron Bowl Saturday!
They had their game faces ready!!
Two Auburn cheerleaders ready to cheer Auburn on! We had Gran, Ben and Andrew over to watch the game and it stinks Auburn didnt win and I had that many Bama fans in my house! :) We all headed to Struts to eat dinner before they left since the game was pretty much a for sure shot that Bama had won. Boo! :)
And this morning.................Ella Jingle came! WHOOO HOOO! She will help me keep two crazy girls in line! {I hope!}
Lily was the first one to spot her! She came running in my room saying Ella Jingle dropped a lot of stuff on the floor! ha! I told her to not touch any of it until Alexis woke up! :)
Finally little Miss Sunshine decided to wake up and she was SOOOO excited! Alexis has been asking me for over a week when Ella Jingle was going to come! {Like I am supposed to know when she decides to come and leave the North Pole!} :)
Ella Jingle left a note to the girls!!.....with exact instructions to behave and be nice to each other! :)
Alexis read the note to Lily! :)
Then we got all cleaned up and headed to Church! We had a great lunch at Baja and a quick trip to Wal-Mart before calling it a day! We have relaxed at home and I have wrapped some Christmas gifts too! And..............tomorrow, back to the real world! :)
My two Church girls! :)

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