Thursday, November 24, 2016

New traditions, meet Nannie JR and my views!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am so very thankful for my family and friends and I hope you all have a wonderful day! I will post tomorrow what all we do on this day of thanks!

But first!............yesterday! :)
We did something different this year by meeting Gran and Ben at Cracker Barrel for dinner for our Thanksgiving with them instead of having to cook and clean!

I love Cracker Barrel and hadnt eaten there in awhile so it was perfect and delicious! We headed back to their house for a little while before calling it a night!

Before we met them to eat, we did some shopping and we let the girls enjoy the Factory too! BOY do they love that place!.....and we love that it is half priced on Wednesdays! SCORE for us all! :)

This little sassy thing was ready to get her shop on! Two buggies and ready to go! :)
Love my view I had as we walked down the sidewalk! They can be very sweet to each other sometimes...and this is proof! :)
They were so excited to get balloons at Old Navy. They were hitting them like crazy everywhere! We, of course, had to go and check out the fish and animals at Petco!
And........the highlight!.........Look at how excited Lily is! ha! {I didnt tell her to do that when I took the picture!} :)
After The Factory, we headed to meet Gran and Ben.
Meet Nannie JR. She was ready for a night out on the town! ha!
My view as we waited on Gran and Ben to get there. Lily cracks me up!
I have the FUNNIEST story to share.
So, when we were on our way home....Alexis starts telling Lily that she didnt press the #2 button on Gran's toilet so her poop didnt flush so Alexis said she flushed it for her.
Tyler and I are hearing this and are like....................WHAT is she talking about??? So, I asked her and she proceeds to tell us that Gran has a #1 and a #2 button on her toilet and if you dont press #1 when you pee pee that it wont flush and if you dont press #2 when you poop....that it wont flush. And that Lily didnt press the #2 button so that is why it didnt go down. {Well, Lily actually just didnt flush because she didnt know how because she couldnt find the she just didnt do anything. Alexis didnt think that way though. She thought she didnt press the correct button!}
Well, Tyler and I got to thinking about it and we neither one had ever paid much attention to what is written on the buttons but there are actually two buttons on the top of their toilet. I just always press one of them and it flushes {and so does Tyler} so we dont ever think about it.
So, I call Gran and she explains that the first button is for just pee really because it doesnt use as much water and the 2nd button does use more water for 'bigger' situations.
We were DYING laughing the rest of the way home because Alexis was convinced that if you dont press the correct button........that whatever you just did wont go down! hahaha!
Then Tyler says there should be a 3rd button. The 3rd button should be the 'skidgetter' button where it just keeps swirling to make the skids go away! OH just had to be there during all of this conversation! It was sooooooo funny!!

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