Sunday, November 13, 2016

And the season is done.

Well...and so it is....

this football season has come to an end.

The boys went all.the.way. and they played awesome yesterday to end the season with a bang!

This year has been a tough one, there have been several times that I have wanted to throw in the towel and call it a day....

but the smiles on the girl's faces tonight and to know that they finally started understanding that they are not 23 individuals...but 1 team and that 1 team ended the season strong is what counts!

So, I am going to miss those 23 {even though right now I am doing a happy dance} but excited to see them grow and what the years to come have in store for them!

Ready for Church. We still are missing Daddy and excited for him to be home late tonight!
This chick is one sassy little thing!
Today at Church this group got in front of 'big Church' and spoke about who they value since it is November which is the month to be thankful. Today Sara Kate presented the 'value' award to Dr. Derek since we all love him as our pastor. Next week will be Alexis' turn and she chose Mr. Rick since she loves him teaching her art and about the Bible on Wednesday nights! Each child up on stage will have a week where they speak about who they value! I love this idea! :)
Then us girls headed to Effinas for lunch before this! Awards Ceremony time! These cuties waiting on it to start!
This is what we got the girls! Talk about super excited! A cute t-shirt and a fun lava lamp! Super cool! :)
Lex and Savannah. Sweet friends!
These three are a mess together! Lily loves hanging out and being carried around and played with by Drew and Ben!
Lex, Sara Kate and Imani!
Love this little girl!....both of them!... Raybon and Lex!
Super blessed to be able to be apart of these cheerleaders memories this season!
Super proud of Lex. Best Flyer Award! She is one awesome little flyer in my book!

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