Monday, November 21, 2016

Three things!

I saw this post idea and just loved it so I think I am going to start doing it ever so randomly to keep me updated on what all we are up to at certain times in our life!

3 things.........

3 things about each of our little family!

1. This little sassy thing is in no way 'little' when it comes to personality! She loves big, fights big, and has the biggest smile too! She is a ball of emotions and is constantly making herself known. She has a big personality and absolutely hilariously big sense of humor in that tiny body of hers! She is hands down the feistiest one in our family! :)

2. She is all about ballet! She is constantly dancing and swirling and swaying! She loves being a ballerina and loves all things dance too. She loves to watch dance shows on TV and loves to play music and just 'cut a rug!' :) She also can destroy a playroom in .5 seconds. I will go in the playroom and every single basket is dumped out....or books out of the shelf, etc! All the kitchen toys/food out in the floor. Blows my mind. She loves to play and have fun....but she in no way is neat about it! She is a little tornado! She also constantly these days has a bag STUFFED full of who knows what. Everywhere we go she has a different bag to take with her.........that will barely zip! I call her 'bag lady!' :)

3. Right now everything she says is..............'When I am 6!' 'When I am 6, I am going to get this new toy' ....'when I am 6, I am going to be a cheerleader' 'When I am 6, Callie is going to spend the night with me every night!' She is hooked on age 6 and thinks that ALL of these big things are going to happen when she turns 6! :)

1. This child is 8 going on 25! She thinks she is SOOO grown. She is a style lover hands down. She dresses herself and I love to see how she mixes and matches her outfits all the way from head to toe. {Like this picture!} I love how she comes to me and asks my opinion and values it...for example, just a little bit ago, she came with two different boots on and asked me which one I liked better with her outfit! :) It wont be long that my opinion will not matter as she hits her teenage I am soaking it up while I can! :) She is all about all things shoes, bracelets, necklaces and lipgloss.....lotions....and hand name it......she is into it!! :) She is also super...super organized. She is the most organized person I have met...and she is 8! Her room...her dolls...her lotions, everything is in the most organized and perfect spot in her room!

2. She is really into reading her chapter books these days. I love how she has finally started understanding that reading is not just 'homework.' She loves to come and tell me things that are happening in the books as she reads them. She still into drawing and coloring too. On Wednesday night Church she signed up for Art and is loving it. Her teacher, Mr. Rick, is constantly coming up to me in awe of what she has drawn and saying how talented she is! And of course, she is still a 'hummingbird' too. Her mouth literally never closes. Between her just talking constantly...she throws singing in the mix too! She will belt one song out and then the next second she is on to a different tune!

3. She constantly uses my living room floor as her very own gymnastic mat. She is constantly doing a cartwheel or front roll...back bend.....or round-off........something.all.the.time. It drives me crazy....especially when she does a round-off and I think our house is going to fall in.......!! :)


 1. Tyler is a handyman with a capital H! He can rig anything....fix anything....come up with anything under the sun. If there is ever a need for anything to be fixed or 'rigged' then he pops out to the garage and comes back with magic. I am amazed at how he does it!

2. He loves all things hunting, surviving, living off the land, police, law and order, and The History channel on TV. BUT.................dont let him fool you............he binge watches and gets just as much into {more than me}....The Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Lifetime Movie Network movies, Keeping up with the Kardashians and How to Get Away with Murder! :) He wont admit that though!

3.He lives on his computer and 'researches' everything under the sun. He will not purchase something, etc until he has checked He used to make fun of people who were on their phones all the time. Well, since he finally got out of the stone age and no longer has his flip phone....he is now one of 'those' people stuck on their phone. Having a smartphone and internet on his phone has changed his life! :)

Me! :)
1. I finally have my sanity back....well maybe not all of that cheer season is over. I have to say, this season has sent me over the edge....but I have loved it {for the most part} and I am slowly recovering! :)

2.I LOVE all things Christmas right now! I got out my Christmas decorations early because I just couldnt stand it any longer! I saw all of my friends starting on Facebook and saw all the cute things in the stores...that I decided to go ahead and start! I have not looked back since! I have been singing Christmas songs my trees every chance I get....and loving every second of it!

3. I have been on a 'health' kick lately with all things 'good bacteria' and probiotics. I think I might end up overdosing on it at some point....but I dont care. I am constantly eating something {vitamin} wise, etc. I am feeling great and love how I am feeling these days too! I think I will keep on with my new 'kick!' :)

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