Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Gotcha Day........and pearly whites!

This November marks 1 year of Tickles deciding to become part of our family!

The craziest thing happened last year.

Tyler and I {around this time} started talking about bringing a new pet member into our family.

We talked about adopting a kitten and even was going to the extent of making an appointment with two shelters to adopt to be ready for Christmas coming up.

We went back and forth and back and forth on what to do, who to choose, did we really want to do it. We were all over the place!!

Well, fast forward to a year later!!

Tickles appeared on our back porch one very very cold night.

We fed her and tried to keep her warm and expected her to leave and go back wherever she came from.

Well, she kept hanging around.

She would beg to come in the house and we just immediately fell in love with her!

I posted around and on the neighborhood Facebook page.....

and no one ever claimed her.

We decided that if she wanted to live with us.............

that it was just meant to be!

 So, we welcomed her in with open arms and she has been the best cat ever!

She is SO sweet....so smart and just so well-mannered! Yes, I said that about a cat! She just understands everything. It is soooooooo odd how she is but you can talk to her and she literally looks at you like 'I know exactly what you mean and are talking about!' :) She is the cleanest cat ever too! I just dont know how she is sooooo clean all the time with her living outside! She always smells good too! I joke that she has another home that she lives at....and goes by another name too...and they bathe her and everything...but then she comes over to our house and switches to 'Tickles!' :)

We have no idea where she came from................but for whatever reason, she chose us. We named her Tickles............and you would have never thought she had any other name because from the beginning she comes to that name! I took her to be fixed and where ever she did come from must have loved her because she was already fixed. We are so glad she is still with us after a year and cant wait for there to be many more! God answered our prayers perfectly for a new member to our little family! :)

So, since we dont know how old she is and we dont know her birthday day......we celebrated her 'Gotcha Day!' :)

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Tickles!

 Tickles got a new and fancy warm chair that hopefully she will curl up in and love! :)
  We sang her 'Happy Gotcha Day' to the tune of Happy birthday and completed with cupcakes to celebrate!
Notice the girl's hair! Alexis has been on this new kick to look like 'JoJo!' JoJo is this girl that has become a huge 'fan favorite' on Youtube/ the internet. She wears her hair in a side ponytail all.the.time. She starred on the TV show called Dance Moms. Alexis has never seen an episode of that show...but she knows all about JoJo. JoJo has hit it big lately and she dances and sings and Alexis just thinks she is the coolest! Well, today she practiced and practiced and was sooooooooooo excited to come show me her first ever done all by herself side ponytail! She even put a bow in {because that is what JoJo does!} I told her .....'Dont you remember how when you were 7 you refused to ever wear a hair bow again?!?!' and she said.......... 'Well, it is cute and I like it because I look like JoJo!" Good grief! :)
And Lily...................since Alexis was working on her hair for so long to master the side ponytail.......Lily decided she wanted to fix her hair too!
Yep.............THIS is the back! I lost count at how many clips and bobbypins she had in hair as I was trying to get them all out since it was a tangled up mess! :) These two girls! :)
Meet JoJo! She is a STAR to Alexis!
We havent done much at all today and it has been sooooooooooo nice! We hit the good ole dentist for our fun time to get our teeth cleaned..........had lunch and then ran up to Wal-Mart before heading home and doing nothing the rest of the day! :)
Alexis and Lily.......and I are all in the 'no cavities club!' :) :) :)

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