Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It is THAT time!


the election is upon us!

Today is the day!

We all used our voice and voted!

Alexis came home and said that her and her class voted at school....

I asked her who she voted for...

and she said Hillary Clinton and that she won too!


I asked her why she voted for her....

and she said....

because she is a girl!

So, this is where we are. Because she is a girl....that is why she won. I asked Alexis if Mrs. Wilson talked about her values and she said no that she didnt.

So, Lex and I had a little talk about values and just because she is a 'girl' isnt what is important when determining who will be President. Needless to say, I think I blew her mind a little bit but hopefully she will understand that being a 'girl' or 'boy' etc has no bearing on what the person can or can not do for our country who is in desperate need of a great leader!

OH, needless to say, with Clinton or Trump in office.....

we need Jesus! :)

That leads me to my lovely picture that Tricia took of me today at work! I did my civic duty and voted and OH.....we shall see who will be the next President of the United States! I am going with the moto 'Make America great again' and hoping and praying that it will be!
Tricia came in my office as I was trying to do a 'selfie' because I wanted to take a picture of my 'I voted' sticker and my necklace....because this country needs Jesus! ha! Well..it wasnt working out right and Tricia, therefore, thought it would be funny to take a random picture of me and post it onto Facebook! Soo....this picture has gotten a lot of 'likes' on there today! :)
Growing like a weed! :) It is that time for the measuring of the girls in the basement! I always LOVE to do this and see how much they have grown! I love looking back at the past 6 month increments and see them growing up!
Love that Lily writes her name...and so does Alexis...where her growth mark is! :)
She has grown! Both girls have hit a pretty big growth spurt this time! Cant wait to see what they do in the next 6 months!
Getting her measurements! :)
It looks like Alexis has taken the medal for growing the most since the last time we did it! :)
 After the fun growth chart time...we had some b-ball tournament and air hockey time! Alexis whooped Lily in air hockey....and I!!!!....whopped Tyler in basketball!! whooo hoo!! :)

I will leave you all on this note! Something REALLY to look forward on this historic Tuesday. Nothing better than 'Taco Tuesday'...........homestyle! :) :)

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