Friday, November 25, 2016

Turkey Day 2016!


Is all I can say! I ate SOOOO much yesterday that I really didnt even feel like eating today!

It sure was gooood though! know how I said that we got Tickles a new bed and I hoped she likes it?!?! Well...she does! She curls up in it all day it seems like! She looks so cozy in it! :)
Round 1 of Turkey Day!
We were pretty low key Turkey Day morning. We woke up and had breakfast and enjoyed the Macy's  Thanksgiving Parade! This year's parade marked Macy's 90th anniversary. Lily cracked me up because for the rest of the day she kept telling everyone that it was Macy's birthday today and she is older than Nannie! :) :) hahaha! :)
I feel like I have a 'straight out of the 80's' girl and a Minnie Mouse 'wanna-b' on my hands!
Alexis is STILL into this 'JoJo with a Bow-bow' chick and dressing like her! :) I have started calling Alexis....'A, A...with a B, B'  ....well, she doesnt like my new nickname for her! :)
Lily is still into doing her own hair too! :)
She is too grown! I can NOT get over her 'kick' of wanting to wear hair bows again. You have NO idea what it was like until her 7th birthday when she finally got her way to NEVER wear a bow again! OH me! :)
Part 1 of Turkey Day! Ladies hung out in the kitchen.................. with Kitchen duty! {Pawpaw was only in there for a minute to make coffee!} :)
And....see, guy talk...and  coffee.....far away from the kitchen clean up! :)
Nan has sooooo many beautiful trees in her house! I love taking pictures by them all! :)
Then...Part 2! was hard to eat again! :)
Another view for Part 2. :) Meg cracks me UP!!...........she is holding pots and pans that Nannie brought her. She is moving into a new apartment so Nannie brought her the pots and pans that she was planning on giving Meg when she gets married. Nannie thought Meg should go ahead and get them since she is moving! haha! :) I think Nannie has a stock pile of all kinds of things........
So, Meg now has her pots and pans and she doesnt have to wait! :)
This sassy pants seemed to be up to something! I mean LOOK at the look on her face!.....
So, I went in!.............and yep, these three were getting into Pam's closets and getting out her already wrapped Christmas gifts and trying to figure out if they were for them! :)
Love this chick! Missed Mal! I am SO proud of her for the job she does to help sweet little sick kids and babies during the Holidays!!
And, grabbed a picture with this dude too! :)
We had a full day of family on both sides and FOOD! Couldnt be more blessed and thankful on Thanksgiving Day!

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