Monday, November 14, 2016

The good ole' boys' South Dakota trip!

Tyler is back!

And...back to the real world today!

He got home around 12:15am so for it to be a Monday today....he might be struggling a little bit! I dont think he realizes how I am dying to get out my Christmas decorations so I may and wait to have him help me with the fun of getting all of that down from the attic later on this week. I may give him a couple of days to recover from the trip. Maybe! :)

His Dad and him enjoyed a fun trip to South Dakota to do some pheasant hunting.

They had a great trip...shoot some pheasants and made lasting memories together!

This is the car that they rented and had to drive everywhere in! Cracks me up because Tyler and his Dad both are not little short people!.....I laugh thinking about how they looked being in this little car! :)
 They ate at the best 'fine dining' that they could find! I think little towns like this are so cute....but it doesnt leave a wide range of food options! Tyler said that Al's Oasis was really good though!
 These are amazing!
 Nothing but wind turbines and open skies!
 The view goes on and on!
A view of the Missouri River
 I love this picture of Pawpaw! Beautiful!
 Tyler sent me this picture and said this was the home where they did their guided shoot.
I love that they had a good father/son trip together! Memories for sure were made!

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