Tuesday, November 22, 2016

No school....no work!

We rode by the girl's school yesterday on our way home and Alexis asked what time it was.

I told her it was 3:08 and she said...'boy, I would have had a long day at school today if I were there...and would just now be leaving!' :) Whooo hooo....didnt have to worry about that..because we are OUT! :) :)

We kicked off Thanksgiving break by Lily having her 5 year well child visit!

Her doctor has been out on maternity leave so we had to wait a couple of months to have it done so it fit that we could do it while out and I didnt have to use a sick day! Score! :)

Since we had to head to the doctor.........

we made it worth it and had lunch, did some shopping, and saw Santa!

I would say it was a great way to kick off the week!

These two told Santa what they wanted. Santa asked them both if they have been good lately. The looks on their faces were priceless! Alexis said...'Hmmm...yes but not all the time' as Lily didnt say a word but shook her head yes the whole time! Santa then looked at Lily and said.....'So you have been good all the time?'.............as she kept shaking her head yes! OH me! That girl! :)
They saw Santa and turned into reindeer! :)
We headed to the Angel Tree after Santa....and the girls looked and looked for the perfect child to give Christmas too! They picked a little girl named Olivia. She is 8 like Alexis. Olivia wants clothes and Shopkins! {Just like my girls.......they were thrilled to help pick out the perfect gifts for her!} So, we headed and did some clothes and Shopkins shopping for her before heading home!
Once we got home..........Alexis and Lily practiced for their pageant coming up! Alexis' dress looks so pretty on her! She practiced and practiced and was doing so good!
So pretty!
Miss Sassy!
And this little one.............well, she wouldnt take it seriously..................so we shall see how she is going to do on stage! OH me!
She was most excited about the fact that she was practicing in her 'high heels!!'

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