Sunday, March 12, 2017

3 things!

I havent done a '3 things' post lately so it is time since I love these posts! We have had a great weekend even though it has been super cold! It is crazy how it goes from 70 degrees one day...and then chances of snow the next! We have stayed warm and enjoyed the Spring forward time change this morning and ready for actual Spring....and Summer to get here!!! :)

1. The girl eats like she is an adult! Let me give you an example, her and her Daddy will spend 10 minutes on the Dominos website deciding on what toppings she wants on her pizza! She can't decide between mushrooms...diced tomatoes, green olives...oh sauce, etc! I can even believe my ears when I hear them that she is saying she wants what she does! ha!

2. She can pick right back up with piano like it was just yesterday that she did it! She has such a knack for everything creative and artistic...from playing the piano, singing and drawing/coloring! She is a natural!

3. She is super excited that Cheer Camp is coming up this week! She is constantly asking me something about it and cant wait for tomorrow!

1. This little chick may be small, but dont let her fool you! She is a trooper and a firecracker and non-stoppable! She is sooooo excited about soccer starting and has been practicing really really hard for it! She can kick that ball and she is super fast! I cant wait to watch her! Alexis is playing too, and she isnt as near as excited as Lily!

2. She is ALLLL about picking out her own clothes and developing her own style. I have a feeling I might have a heart attack with some of it {like for example, when she comes out with pink and purple hair extensions in her hair}..... :)

3. Her wit! OH my! That girl can throw a line out to you and is the sassiest thing ever! She can hold her ground and nothing can get past her! Tyler and I both just crack up with her!

1. He is teaching himself how to play the piano! He has really been working hard on it! He will 'Youtube' people that help to teach you how to play and then he'll go into the dining room and play! He is working on his masterpiece of 'Jingle bells' right now! Alexis and him are having fun helping each other learn. It has been a great bonding time for them! I cant wait for them to play 'Jingle bells' Christmas! :)

2. He also has really gotten into reading too! He has gotten all these new and great hobbies lately! He has read and read books! He will get done with one and turn around and sell it and make more money on it than how much he bought it for and then buy a new read!

3. He is gearing up for Spring time and yard work...complete with planting flowers! It is the best time of the year...ya know! :)

1. Lily is obsessed with making Aubie 'homes' like this. She will use the two chairs {that they NEVER sit in....they just play on them...etc..} and cover them up with blankets and put his cat toys in the inside and he will ACTUALLY go in there and lay! It cracks me up! He LOVES Lily and literally will do anything to get her love!

2. He licks...and licks...and licks......and licks.....and licks..... himself. He doesnt stop! I have never seen a cat that licks himself as much as he does. On that same note, he is the softest cat! His hair is so smooth and soft to touch!

3. He lets Lily drag him around and carry him everywhere! She can do anything to him and he doesnt mind one bit. Now....he will jump up in my chair...and I will be petting him ever so nicely and all of a sudden he will try and bite me! :) I dont think he understands that I am the one that feeds him water....changes his litterbox...... :)

1. She is the most perfect cat! She is sooooo content, she is so smart and just the sweetest thing!

2. She loves to stay outside, but when she wants to come into the house, she will let you know! She will meow the sweetest little meow and sit by the door! As soon as you open it, she will dart in. When she is ready to go back outside, she will sit by the door and wait for you to open it!

3. She still LOVES her little 'house' that Tyler made her out of a storage bin! It has been the best thing for her! She will curl up in in with the blankets I put in there and stay nice and safe and warm at night!

1. I didnt have a recent picture besides this one from last night so I thought I would just crop myself in it! ha! I am loving that the time change happened today! I LOVE longer nights and warmer weather and that is what is happening with spring around the corner! I have already decorated for Easter and LOVING having my house decorated! I dont care what holiday...I love to have the house festive! :)

2. Cheer Clinic starts tomorrow....and so shall I see how many girls I will have for this upcoming football season. I am already sore at teaching myself the cheers and dance that I have to teach the girls to be ready for try-outs Friday! I keep telling myself....I can make it through this week..I can make it through this week! It helps that next week is Spring break too! I can recover then! :)

3. I am loving that Tyler has started really getting into his new hobby with reading because I get this leftover books before he sells them to read! I have really enjoyed getting back into reading too!

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