Saturday, March 18, 2017

Long overdue date night!

Kelly, Misty and I say time and time again...

we need to meet up! We need to have a girl's night! We need to hang out!

And before we know it, time has flown and it hasnt happened in a long while.

Well, tonight we made it work!

We had the best night catching up {as always} and laughed all.night.long!

We headed to Bham and the girls were SUPER excited to hang out with Jax and Meg while us parent's went and enjoyed dinner at Brio.

Meg and the girls had a fun dinner and hit the park and sherbet after! To say Meg wore them out.....they both were passed out in no time on the way home! :)

Misty and Brandon, Kelly and Matt and Tyler and I met for a long and waaayyyy overdue dinner date....with NO kids!

The food was horrible....the dessert was fantastic and the company was so much fun! We always pick up right where we left off! Us girls even decided to let the boys tag along with us and they had a great time too!

Our meal ended up being free and fun memories were made with friends forever!

My handsome date for the night!
Lily and bestest friends!
The girls! We didnt even attempt to even ask the guys to take a picture with us!
Love these two like they are sisters!

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