Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Milking the cow with the littles...field trip!

Lily had her field trip today at the McWane Center and BOY was she super super excited about it!

She could not contain herself!

The whole way to Bham she asked me a million times when we were going to get there! :)

They all had a ton of fun going wild! They all played and played!

Lily requested Newks for lunch so since it was her special day...that is where we went! We did some shopping before heading home to doing a little of this and that....mixed with some soccer time before it was time to pick up big sister and hit the homework before dinner and church! :)

We had a full and fun day!

Showing off two beautiful girls before Church Sunday before I talk about the field trip today! Both of them wanted me to wait to wash their hair because they wanted to keep their curls from the pageant the night before to show off at Church! They both are a mess!
Lily was soooo excited about today! Cant you tell!?!? Isnt her sweet little friends adorable too!? :)
Who knew a bar would be sooo fun!
Ryliegh and Lily ready to go! So sweet!
Doesnt she look sooo tall!!
Can you spot her face!?! She loved sticking her face in this and seeing the impression!
Lily and Mommy day! We had the best day!
They had a new section called 'Itty Bitty' Magic City. It was very similar to the Imagination Place in Gadsden that we go to a good bit except this was really nice and different set ups! For example..this 'Pet Vet' Lily LOVED this since she has said forever that she wants to do this when she grows up! They had a big sink where you could wash the pets. You could see pet xrays....take them out of the kennels, etc! It was really neat!
They had a car set up area where you could work on cars...pump gas....check the hood. They had a diner where you could cook food....make pizza. They had a huge indoor maze climbing area. There was a big water area where you could watch balls go into twister motions. There was this farm area with a home {with a fireplace that worked {kind of}} and outside the home was a garden with plants to pick and farm animals. Let me just say...this was very popular! Lily learned how to milk a cow! :) :) She kept coming back to it...and coming back to it.... to milk it! She was amazed. Oh me! It shot out water...and was really life like! It even mooed! ha!
This was a fun part. You could stick the balls and the 'colorful towels' as Lily called them into certain parts on the wall and the air caused a suction and sucked it all up and shot it through all the pipes and then shot it all out in the air. They had the best time trying to catch it all as it was shot out!
Then after lunch at Lily's 'most favorite place EVER to eat at' {per her!} and shopping...we came home and look at her go!
Look at the skill!!!
Little Miss Soccer is sooo ready for the season to start!!
We had a great night at Church...and as I type this...everyone is asleep but me and the house is not a sound in the house except me typing! Ahh.....nice! Goodnight! :)

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