Sunday, March 5, 2017

Miss Calhoun....

I have heard of this pageant....

so now it is in the books!

Miss Calhoun County was last night and OH my goodness!...

There were toooo many girls...and craziness!

Both girls said they had fun and want to do it again next year....

uhh....we shall see!

It wasnt a glitz pageant, but all the glitz girls were in it....and did the glitz walks...

and won.

But, both girls we so poised and shined on stage! They both were confident and did their best! That is what counts!

I am super proud of them!
Mrs. Bethany working her magic!
Yet again...getting the girls beautiful!
Her hair! :) :) :)
Two beautiful girls ready to go!
Miss Alexis!
Little Miss Lily!
Andrew with his girls!
Love my two girls!
Family picture!
Gran, Nan and Pawpaw came to cheer the girls on also! It was a packed house last night for sure!
Sweet friends! Audrey and Alexis Johnson with my girls!
There were 11 girls in Lily's age group! They all couldnt fit on stage!
She did amazing! Her smile steals everyone's hearts!
There were 11 in Alexis' group too! They took turns on stage because they for sure could not fit!
So confident and beautiful!
Miss Calhoun County 3rd alternate and best smile!
Miss Calhoun County beauty!
So beautiful!
Two winners in my heart and sooooo proud of them!

1 comment:

  1. شركه مكافحه حشرات و رش مبيدات
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض الحشرات تسبب العديد من المشاكل الازعاج نحنو نسعى على حل هذه المشكله
    مع نقضى على الحشرات تماما من خلل المكافحه عن طريق داخل البيت
    وحقن الاماكن التى توجد بها الحشرات ؟ رش المطابخ يتم بواسطة ( الإبر الألمانية ) و هي عبارة عن سائل جل يوضع في سفوح الأدراج و الأبواب و بلا رائحه شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض
