Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lily did it!

This week has been super crazy...super...crazzzyyy... busy!

We have kicked off cheer clinic and it is going sooo well and even though I will have 23 girls again this year, it already feels like this coming season will be a lot better!

I'm praying! :)

In the midst of cheer....we have also been in the same groove of life with school, work, homework, tests, trying to stay warm with these freezing temps, dance classes and more!

All the while....Lily did this!

She tied her shoes! She was super proud of herself! I remember when Alexis was super proud of herself when she finally mastered it! Alexis and her Daddy practiced and practiced right before she started Kindergarten on how to master the shoe tying!

So...just as Kindergarten is approaching for Lily....she is ready to conquer it with her shoes tied! :)

We are rounding out the last day until Spring break! We have survived the week before it with one day left and I am soooo ready! We knock out cheer try-outs tomorrow and Lily has her very 1st soccer practice {that I am so excited for her to start!!} and then Spring break is ON! Whoo hoo!

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