Tuesday, March 21, 2017


As I sit here typing this....

I cant help but be thankful.

Today was an amazingly beautiful day and I am soooo thankful that I am able to enjoy it with little family of four during Spring break!

I used to want to be a teacher.....

when I was growing up!

Then, as it became closer to time to decide my major, I decided I didnt want to be a teacher for several reasons. God knew that I would not make a good teacher and steered me and guided me to not be one!

I always still wanted to do something that influenced kids and for sure always wanted to have the holidays off....Spring break off too!

Well....to say that I am thankful, I am!

As we rode our bikes today...on the beautiful Spring day....I couldnt help but look up and say hello to my Dad and say 'thank you' to God for him blessing me.

For Tyler and I to have this time to make memories with Alexis and Lily is something that we both dont take for granted!

So, we have been soaking up every second and making the best of our time off this week!

 Gearing up for our bike ride! Lily had her baby and her owl in her basket ready to go too!
 My view for a little while!
 Her little legs took her as fast as they could! We just couldnt keep up with Daddy and Lex so we took our time and just cruised and chatted! :)
 Picnic time! YUM! :) Lunch by the water!
 Lily got it in her head that she wanted her Daddy and her to make cherry jello with cherries in it! So they did....and they are enjoying it during our picnic!
 Park time! These two swang their hearts out!
 And...of course, the monkey bars....
 for my two monkeys!
 We got some soccer in on this beautiful day too!
 And hit the creek before heading to Cecil's for some ice cream followed by outside the rest of the afternoon until time for baths...and a good afternoon nap! Perfection!

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