Friday, March 17, 2017

My heart is bursting on this HUGE day!

TODAY was a HUGE day!!

Not only was today St. Patty's day!.....Not only was it actually a beautiful warmer day and not freezing like it has been......Not only was today FRIDAY!!!.....not only was today the end of the week and now it is Spring break!!!.......

BUT today, Alexis became a B-Team cheerleader!!!

BUT today, Lily had her 1st soccer practice!!!

BUT today, sweet baby Thompson got his new eye!!!

It has been a day!!....

Oh, what a beautiful and wonderfully blessed day! My heart is bursting today!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We all wore our green today!...well, except Daddy...get got pinched this morning! :)
We have a B-teamer!! So worked soooo hard and shined in try-outs! So proud of her!
WELCOME the 2017 B-Team Cheer squad! 23 of them! I am actually super excited about this upcoming season!!
The crew! We didnt get all the 'oldies' in....but these girls have been with each forever and have practically grown up together! Sweet friends!
My girl and I!
LILY!!! I hated I missed her first practice but Daddy took a lot of pictures and videos for me! He said she did so good at practiced and smiled the whole time!
Lily star!
Lily's little team! I cant wait to watch her first game!
AND...look at this sweeeet boy! He got his new eye!! His left eye looks grrrreat! I am soo happy and this picture brought tears to my eyes! He is such a trooper and has such a sweet spirit! Love him!
Look at him! He has his new eye in and is smiling and you wouldnt even know this picture shows a fake eye! God is soooo good!

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