Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wordless Wednesday!......Alexis' song!

I am amazed at this! Absolutely amazed at Alexis! For anyone that knows her, knows that she does.not.stop.singing! The girl sings and sings and hums and hums and sings herself to sleep...she just loves to sing!


she wrote her first song!!

All by herself!!

She came to me and wanted me to read her lyrics she wrote!!

It is beautiful and the fact that she came up with these words just blows my mind and makes my heart explode!

She isnt finished with it but to hear her beautiful little voice sing it makes me tear up! When she is done, I am going to record her! I cant wait!

Here are the lyrics if you cant read her writing:

I got the wind in my hair and a smile on my face I am ready to go.

Dont you be crying and crying, I'll be right next to you wherever I go.

Dont be saying you're wrong cause you're always right, Lord, in my heart!

Please make me follow your heart and your amazing grace!

{I asked her what the lyrics meant and she said that it means that no matter where she goes, that God will always be with her and that she knows he is always by her side. She said also that she wants God to know he is always right even if sometimes she or other people think he is wrong {with what is happening in their life}} WOW! :) :)

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