Saturday, March 25, 2017

So quick to judge!

I am going to get on my 'soap box' for a minute so those of you who do not want to hear it....

pass on this post.

For the ones that do, read on.

I just do not understand how some people in this world can be sometimes. I just dont understand how many...many... people can just be soooo quick to judge someone or something even before they actually know true facts. Even before they actually even really know what is going on, what the situation actually is.

It absolutely frustrates me....................

I could give several.......and I mean several examples of this topic that I am on that has even happened to me personally but I will just give one tonight.

If you have had any remote interest in Facebook {or news in general}, and the new version of The Beauty and The Beast movie, then you have heard all the anger people have had towards it! How there have  been soooo many people boycotting the movie and writing long posts about how you should not go see it. How dare you take your kids to see it. How you are not Christian like if you go. On and on and on....and on....  I can not tell you how many posts and articles, etc that people have just down right been ugly towards it.

I have read posts by my own friends that have talked about how they are not taking their kids to see it.

All because someone started the rumor that there were all kinds of 'gay' scenes in it. Then you would read an article about how there are two guys kissing in it. Then you would read another article saying that other article isnt true. Then another person would put how it is just soooo inappropriate for kids to be watching a Disney movie...a this. How could Disney ruin such a wonderfully classic movie?????

The talk about all of this mess......

even before the MOVIE was actually out for people to see.

Yet, everyone already knew allllll about the movie....

and allllll about how dare you see this movie.

That you should boycott it too.

Yet again, all before the movie was even released.

People would have conversations with me asking me if I was taking my girls to see it. Some would say that they were going to take their kids because they loved The Beauty and The Beast the animated version and wanted to see the 'real life' version. Some said nope, not taking theirs because of how horrible with the 'scenes.'

Well, let me tell you, I took my girls.

And it was the BEST movie!

There were NO scenes....not one thing was 'questioned' by Alexis or was inappropriate!...

It was outstanding!

All the fuss....

all the boycotting of people over this movie that hadnt even seen it. That didnt even know actual true facts on it............

just BLOWS my mind.

Same with other scenarios with life in general. People are just soooo quick to judge you over what others say. Judge you over false and stretched out situations that are not put into full perspective. They are just so quick to point a finger and criticize! 

It just amazes me.


So food for thought today from me.

Before you decide to point a finger at someone or something else, look at yourself....look at what the scenario is, get the full perspective.

Tyler and I had an impromptu bike ride! I love my shirt!
The turtles were in full action of relaxing!
And this one was relaxing too before we headed back home!
Getting ready to go see The Beauty and the Beast!
Lily was posing like the Easter bunny in this picture! She is a mess!
Andrew spent the night with us last night and the girls loved to have him over to play games! He had to play two games at once since Alexis wanted to play Battleship and Lily wanted to play the Match game!
After game time...we headed to Gran's for {what Tyler calls} the best ribs he has ever eaten. Brutis was sooo excited to see a little person! :) :)
The cool chick is tooooo grown!
Gran and Aunt Pam cooked some yummy foods that hit the spot and once we were all done, we hung out on Gran's new deck before heading to the movies! Great day to round out the end of Spring break! We have had a great week so far and sad that tomorrow is the last day!

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