Saturday, March 11, 2017

Night out!

The girls had a date night with Daddy...

and they had sooo much fun!

I had a much needed girl time too...

and I had sooo much fun too!

Now, dont get me wrong...I would have loved to gone with the fam and enjoyed shopping, dinner and movie but Bunco is so fun and having just some girl time was much needed!

It was a very cold and rainy/dreary day so we didnt make our original plan of heading the JSU soccer game but that was okay with me since I did not want to be out in it!

Alexis has been wanting to see the movie 'A Dog's Purpose' for awhile so her Daddy surprised her...and Moes {they were all thrilled} shopping and to see it!!
 Two stinkers loaded with candy and ready to watch the movie! Tyler didnt have me....{well my purse :) :)} so he had Lily bring a they could load it full with candy to bring in for the movie! ha!
They all had a blast making a memory and having Daddy/double daughter time! :) :)
 I had a great night with these gals! Allison and I met for dinner at Baja and then we headed over and played Bunco with everyone. Much needed girl time was perfection!

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