Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Seeing Tennessee!

I dont think I have ever been to Chattanooga Tennessee, but yesterday changed that!

We had a great family day!

We had a fulllll day of the Aquarium, IMAX and the Creative Discovery Museum!

It was a beautiful day as we walked downtown and for sure we will be back to Chattanooga to enjoy and explore more!

Hanging out with some cute penguins!
They were so cute to watch. They would swim and then just out of nowhere jump up on the 'land!' Then they would waddle around! They were fun to watch!
The girls were not sure about this at first but when Daddy and I told them that we had one of them on our backs before {during one of our cruises before they were born} they decided it was okay to touch them!
Alexis touching the sting rays next!
Then the butterfly house! Alexis tried and tried to get one on her finger!!
And...she got one! :)
The only family picture that I got! We were toooo busy exploring all day to stop and take one!
THIS! was something! OOOHHHH....to be that close to a shark. IT just looked SO mean and those teeth!
The girls were amazed by it!
They were excited to get in the shark cage! ha!
THIS IS THE SIZE OF THIS FISH! Can you believe it! A fish that is actually that big! I am in shock! I would pass out if something like that came swimming by me!
The girls took charge on our family day. We did everything they wanted to do! Alexis wanted Buffalo Wild Wings...so we walked there and enjoyed lunch and made it just in time for the IMAX movie after. It was amazing! It was about Wild Africa and it was sooooo cool especially with it in 3D!
Lily would not stop being silly to smile and take a picture for me!
After the movie and a run through the gift shop...we headed a couple of blocks to the Creative Discovery Museum! This was a fun place where they got to play and explore more!
Even Tyler enjoyed this part where you got to make your own track and see if your ball could make it all the way to the end!
Then we went to the 'Make It' portion and this was a very neat area! It was all hands on! Lily learned how to hammer and nail with Daddy!
Alexis decided she wanted to make a pillow!
She sewed and made the whole thing all by herself! She only lost her patience 2 times!! {which is huge because it took her an hour to make the pillow!} Im sooo proud of her!
Look at the final product! She put it on her 'American Girl' doll bed that she has and put her Fancy Nancy doll on it since the pillow part has Fancy Nancy on it!
Of course Lily wanted a pillow too because Alexis was making one...so Lily goofed off while Daddy made her one.....as I helped Alexis complete hers! :) :)
We capped off our fun trip with Ben and Jerry's before heading to Gadsden to do some more shopping and then home sweet home! It was a great day trip and since it didnt take us long at all to get there, we will be back!

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