Thursday, March 23, 2017

Our toes...and our Spring break

Sad...but true, our Spring break is flying by WAAYYY toooo fast!

We are now rounding the ending but we are still making the most of it!

Yesterday, I had a hair appointment so the girls and I headed to the salon! The girls are amazed with what all goes on at the salon! ha! BOY do they ask a ton of questions about everything there! {Especially Lily!} :) We had a low key and nice day at home the rest of the afternoon and just soaked up relaxing at home!

Today the girls and I had a girl's day! We hit the town with shopping...lunch and getting our toes ready for Spring!

The girls had a blast getting a pedicure! They love it! We hit dance classes too to round out the night!

Ready to dip their toes into the goodness!
Ooohhh they loved it! Watching the water turn different colors was their most favorite part of it all I think!
I took a picture of the final product of Alexis but it turned out way toooo blurry. :( Here is Lily posing with her new fingernails and toes! I love how I cut off her toes and didnt realize it! Boo!! :)
We had a great day of just us girls! Girl time is highly recommended even though we missed Daddy!

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