Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Fall afternoon!

After the game, we headed over to Aunt Pam's for some football, fall fun, and food! :)

Richard had his daughter and her kids and his parents over too. It was nice meeting Kristi and the kiddos!

The girls had a blast! They did a scavenger hunt!.............raced dressing as a scarecrow...and painted rocks...and more! They had so much fun that they didnt want to leave so they stayed and are spending the night with Gran.

Tyler and I ended up having a date night so score! :)

We are now home watching Auburn...........and doing nothing! :) NICE! :)

The girls had so much fun! Pam wrote a bunch of things and they divided into teams and raced to collect it all. The first to do it won! Aunt Pam and Lily were together. Gran and Alexis. Temperance and Richard. Kristi and Lincoln!
Running around trying to collect everything!
Figuring out what they need!
They went everywhere to collect things like...a pine cone....a red leaf, etc!
Lily and Aunt Pam collected it all first! They were so excited!
Then they raced to dress as scarecrows! ha!
The picture cracks me up!
Everything was falling off poor Temperance!
Going as fast as they could!
This was so sweet...and funny! Lily was trying her best and fastest to button her she was just trying to keep the pants up! :)
This was Alexis' favorite part! They did some cute ones! Alexis did one that was like a candy corn! My favorite!
She loves all things art!
She made a scarecrow rock! So creative! :)
This is Richard's granddaughter. She is 5...about to be 6. Lily and her hit if off immediately and played and played and played with each other! Fast friends!
Lincoln is the little boy and it will be 2 next week. He is a sweetie pie!
I wonder if Alexis and Lily are going to get in bed at a decent time tonight?!?! They have had soooo many events today..and nonstop action so I know they will be tired with their full day of fun! :)

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