Sunday, October 1, 2017

Serious business!


is serious business!

Every 6 months we check to see how much the girls have grown.

BOY do they take this SO seriously and can NOT wait to see how much the other has grown...and who has grown the most!

This time around....

it was a tie!

haha!!...there has never been a tie before but they both have grown an inch and a half!

They both cracked me up when Tyler announced that it was a tie! :)

Look at Alexis' serious face! She stood TALL...she stood as still as she possibly could...and she was ready to see her measurements!
Putting her stamp on it! :)
Lily putting her stamp on hers! I didnt get a picture of her TALL and very still pose. BOO!
And...the results are in!
Being good sports! Giving each other a 'high five' and being happy that they both had grown...and that it was a tie! ha! And...they missed each other's hands! bahaha! Oh me! :)
Then it was basketball tournament time against Daddy! While Daddy and Alexis were in their tournament...Lily crawled under everything!
Lily shot so well! She was pretty good at it! Daddy beat both of them though! :) :)
Then...Daddy worked on teaching Alexis how to throw darts! This was funny! Alexis' darts went every on our walls...but the dart board! ha! She is learning though! :)
She got one on there! She was super excited!
Lily practiced hitting balls in the meantime!
This little girl is becoming not so little! It makes me sad!
And....then Dance off! They were cracking us up with their dance moves!
They love playing this and were busting out some good dance moves!

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