Thursday, October 12, 2017

A pumpkin and a patch...and a Kindergarten class!

Today Lily had her very 1st Kindergarten field trip and to say she was SO excited, is an understatement!

It started out really foggy and misting rain....

but by the time we got to the patch, the mist had stopped and it was perfect weather the whole time we were there!

The sun...and the heat...popped out right as we were leaving! Score! :)

Lily has a big Kindergarten class and they all seemed to have a blast!

Sweet little friends ready to hit the patch!
Lily, Kelby, Makayla and Elyn!
 Story time of the Great Pumpkin first! Look how big the class is...and this isnt all of them! :)
 So adorable!
Lily, Caroline, Bennett {who was thrilled the whole time that the pumpkin patch was named after him....get it 'Bennett' Farms!} :) :) .....and Ryleigh!
 Kelby, Caroline, Lily, Makayla and Bennett!
 Having a blast!
Nan, Pawpaw and Daddy all came with Lily and I!
They learned about the Indians that lived around the area in these!
And....Mrs. Bean's Kindergarten class! All 21 of them! :)
She likes tractors!
How many pictures can one little class take during a field trip?!? A billion! :) :)
So fun! Lily loved the corn crib! :)
Daddy helped Lily make her scarecrow! She loved this!
She tied a shirt around her...put her on a scarf..a hat...gave her 'eyebrows', she said, and it was the best one out there! {Really, everyone said it!} :)
Lily said this was one of her favorite parts too!
I spy with my little eye....
This was hilarious! You couldnt see any of the kids running like crazy to try and 'master the maze' sure could see Pawpaw's head! ha!
Us 3! :) :)
They found their perfect pumpkin!............then................ they found each other and asked each other to trade! WHAT?!?! haha! So, they traded pumpkins! :)
We had a blast today! We all went to Damn Yankees to try out the new location for lunch before heading home....heading to Wal-Mart before heading home for {what felt like} 10 minutes before heading to pick up the big sister from school and then on to dance class! We had a full day!

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