Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Heaven's gates

Today marks a sad day.

Today Jaycee's sweet Daddy, Adam, went to Heaven.

He was in a very serious car wreck Saturday night and his injuries were just too severe.

As the girls and I were leaving the JSU Fall Festival, Alexis made the comment that there must be a beautiful Angel that has entered through the gates of Heaven today as she pointed to the sky. As I looked up, the sky was absolutely amazingly beautiful as I saw the sun rays shining through the clouds. When we see the clouds the certain way they were, we always say a little prayer because it means there is a special person that has left earth and now is in Heaven. It was perfect timing to let my girls know about him. It is just heartbreaking for the Harris family. My prayers are with them.

It was a chilly night tonight but us girls had fun doing the JSU Fall Festival before it got dark..and colder!

Carmen had an impromptu spend the night party with us last night and I took her to school with the girls this morning. My girls thought it was super cool that they had her over to spend the night on a school night. And...note...they did not stay up all night! :) :)
The Harris family. Big prayers needed for Stephanie, Aly and Jaycee in the days, weeks and years to come.......... :(
The day Jaycee's Daddy died........just hours before, I heard a sweet little voice yell 'Hi, Mrs. Amber!' As I turned back to look, I saw sweet Jaycee smiling from ear to ear at me as she was waiving to me. I saw him...and Stephanie in the stands and waived as I was walking up the bleachers at the football game that Saturday. It is a day I wont forget.
We always love to eat at the JSU Caf during Halloween. The girls love to eat there...and pick whatever they want to eat!
They wore these masks to the Festival instead of their Halloween costumes!
And...they LOVE the cotton candy...candy apples, etc too!
In fact, they love this most of all! :)
Then..off to the Festival! We saw a ton of friends tonight! We love these sweet twins!
Alexis was excited to see Reese!
Lily loved playing all the games. Alexis thought she was tooooo big to do any of them so she just stood by me the whole time. People, I think, felt sorry for her so they would just give her candy! ha!
Of course...they got their faces painted!
More games! Lily said this fishing one was her favorite..........besides the table where she got to make her own slime! That was fun.....but not so fun for me that MORE slime was brought home! {I am over the whole 'slime phase' that is hitting in Jville! It is a mess...and sticky...and just yuck!} :)
Two girls at the Festival! This is the first year of us going for four years that it has been cold outside! Craziness! :) :)

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